The archives
Beginning WordPress
Here’s how we develop WordPress websites using Sass and Gulp. At least for this week. We use it to compile Sass, concatenate and minify Javascript, and optimize images. It will also LiveReload when saving Sass…
The updating process with most Mac software is painless, especially App Store apps. Not so with MAMP. Since I have such a hard time remembering the process, here’s quick reference to update MAMP Pro without…
I’ve used Codekit since the day I started with Sass. It helped me understand Sass and make my CSS authoring fun again. A few weeks ago I was feeling pretty awesome and decided to puh-phushaw…
Here’s how to quickly edit categories and tags on a WordPress post, or multiple posts: Quick Edit The posts page in WordPress admin has a nice quick edit feature that allows you to quickly update,…
I upgraded to Codekit 2.0 a few days ago and so far it’s great. I thought the browser refresh feature was broken but it turns out I was just doing it wrong. If you’ve used…
As I’ve said a few times before, I prefer to keep control over the look of the social links that appear on this site. I also prefer to keep control over the source code and…
Here’s a super simple tip on how to change the date in WordPress. Two tips actually. Quick Edit The main posts page in the WordPress admin has a nice quick edit feature that allows you…
I don’t really care for the standard social media share links. It’s not that they’re ugly per-se, it’s that they rarely fit a design well. That they’re ubiquitous and nobody even notices the design faux…
Are you having trouble increasing the maximum allowed file upload size on a site hosted on a Media Temple (dv) server? You’ve probably come across these instructions on Media Temple’s knowledgebase and are perhaps still…
Since switching from LESS to Sass I’ve been excited to learn how Sass makes responsive web design easier with @content blocks and @media mixins. During a recent project I was interested to know if these…