The archives


New Site Launch: Park City Fire District

January 26, 2018

When we migrated to Park City in 2007, we brought with us a fairly non-existent little design company called Spigot Design. We had a smattering of clients from our earlier locale, Minneapolis Minnesota, and not…

Custom Credit Card Icons for WooCommerce

September 24, 2015

WooCommerce comes with a default set of credit card icons that look like this: If you like ‘good enough’ then these will do you just fine. But if look close, these are probably a bit…

Change Woocommerce New Order reply-to address to customer

August 29, 2014

A client wanted to be able to easily contact customers through the New Order admin notification in Woocommerce by simply replying to that notification. The default reply-to is the store owner’s email, so we needed…