New Site Launch: Park City Fire District
When we migrated to Park City in 2007, we brought with us a fairly non-existent little design company called Spigot Design. We had a smattering of clients from our earlier locale, Minneapolis Minnesota, and not much else. I was determined to make the company work, without getting a ‘real’ job. Dumb, stubborn, or both
We struggled those first few years to grow the business into something sustainable. One of our first truly great clients was the Park City Fire District. in 2008 former Assistant Chief Frank Heumann reached out to us to help revamp a site that was a true relic. Take a look for yourself:

It even had a wagging Dalmatian. This wagging Dalmatian in fact, I stole it from the Wayback Machine:
Granted, so many websites looked and functioned this way 10 years ago, it was a real golden age for web designers. Anyway, Chief Heumann was determined to get it updated, and update it we did. Here’s a view of what we came up with. It’s not great by today’s standards, but it was a nice clean break from the past:

Park City Fire District 3.0
I’m sue this new site is probably the 4th or 5th (or more) iteration of the site, but it’s the third version since Spigot has come along, so let’s just go with it.
When your own design becomes dated
Yes it was certainly time for a new site. Design standards change as do people’s expectations. It’s still sometimes a shock to see that one of your own designs gets dated and ready for a revamp. Yes this was the early days of Spigot but still… I was happy to be re-doing the site.
Heavy on the research please
Before we even had the job, the administrative team at the Fire District wanted to know a few things about what a new website could do for them. What new services could they provide, or streamline. How can they better inform the community and engage with the peoples. After a few months of work, we presented them with a comprehensive document detailing who they should be speaking to, what they should say, and how to make the greatest impact.
We include a research phase in every project we do, but this was above and beyond. It was a very helpful tool for them as well and was set to provide a solid guide for who ever they hired to build the website. We’re very thankful they chose us!
A full featured and fresh design
The new site is a fresh departure from the previous. I’d say it’s on par with the magnitude of the leap forward as the previous design was a leap on the site before it. Check out the new site here. And here’s a concept to look at, but you can also read more about it in our portfolio.
Working with local businesses and agencies
We absolutely love working with all of our awesome local clients in Park City, Heber, Kamas and beyond. Being able to meet with customers in their office our having them drop by our studio is such a great way to work. We get to know them and they come to trust us as a true partner. There are so many fly-by-night web agencies and freelancers that tarnish our industry with shoddy work or cookie-cutter business models.
We want to sincerely thank the Park City Fire District for being such great clients for so long now. Thank you for trusting us with the latest site rebuild and for continuing to work with our maintenance partner company Cinch Web Services. Thank you for trusting us to manage the marketing of the new site. May we continue to earn your trust going forward.