Show the year only if it’s not the current year in WordPress
A recent project required that the post date show the year only if it wasn’t written in the current year. Here’s how it’s done…
Get the URL of an image using Get The Image plugin
If you use Hybrid Core or any of the themes on Theme Hybrid, or use Get the Image as a standalone plugin, you’re probably…
Our WordPress development process
After a recent launch a twitter follower asked how we manage development and I replied: He then asked for a writeup. So let’s talk…
Modify theme layout in Hybrid Core
Here’s how to modify the Theme Layouts extension in Hybrid Core: in functions.php: You can then hide sidebars and such like so: in a…
Upload SVG through WordPress Media Uploader
As SVG continues is rise to the top of the internet image food chain you may have found yourself wondering why WordPress gives the…
Swiftype: Better WordPress Search
It’s well known that the search functionality built into WordPress isn’t awesome. The Swiftype Search plugin changes that, improving on the default search in…
WordPress Users: Install Jetpack
Since it first came out I’ve been installing the Stats plugin on nearly every site I build. It’s a very popular plugin because…