The archives
I’m very glad to have chosen design as a career path. But if I had to do it all over, I’d be an astronaut. I’d be Chris Hadfield. I grew up watching Shuttle launches in…
I can say with absolutely relative certainty that we’ve never received a request like this. Never. Via @human_0_1
[youtube=] I could watch this little bit of organized chaos all day.
I’m an admitted space nerd. I love anything doing with space, NASA, or tiny green men. And I miss the Space Shuttle terribly. So the opportunity to see a rare Blood Moon eclipse wasn’t to…
While I don’t think Opening Day should be a national holiday, I do say a quiet thank you to the heavens that the day has come. Happy Opening Day, and may the Twins make it…
With the recent news about New Jersey kicking Tesla out of their state, here’s an apt rebroadcast of a Planet Money podcast: Why Buying a Car is so Awful: I didn’t realize the auto dealership…
[youtube=] We took the kids to see Real Salt Lake defeat LA Galaxy at Rio Tinto last night. It was an exciting match and the energy in the place was electric. This is the RSL…
[youtube=] This is a bit different than the illustrated videos I usually post, but it was simply too good not to share.
[youtube=] Even though I’m not a fan of the mustache, I can certainly support what stands for. And awesomely illustrated videos.
The canyons of southern Utah are such a unique and beautiful place, and Kari and I have been very lucky to see them up close through the sport of canyoneering. We don’t go as much…