The archives


What Is UI/UX Design?

August 2, 2024

Whether you’re interested in becoming a web designer or are looking to have a new website built, you’ll no doubt hear a lot about UI (user interface) and UX (user experience) design. Together, UI and…

So I Gave Accessibe a Try…

September 23, 2022

It’s time to talk a bit about accessibility on the web. It’s been on my radar for a long time but it’s finally time to start understanding web accessibility and making it a part of…

Smooth Scroll Offset Anchor Links with CSS

April 8, 2020

Don’t you hate it when you create an anchor link and it gets covered up by a fixed header? And isn’t it a bummer when the browser jumps to that link instantaneously all abrupt-like? Well…

Create custom search forms in WordPress

October 29, 2013

Are you looking to add a separate, custom search form in WordPress and limit it to say, a specific Custom Post Type? Here’s how I did it: 1. Create a search form template While you…

Meta box vs WordPress widget sidebars

August 9, 2013

Looking for opinions on using the standard WP sidebar vs meta boxes for ‘aside’ type info… I’ve got a current project in development that has a TON of pages, each with its own unique sidebar…

Viewport Resizer

July 9, 2013

While no substitute to testing responsive layouts on an actual device, this bookmarklet is great for initial and ongoing testing. This one is a little better than others by not only resizing, but also for…

Nested retina media queries with Sass

January 15, 2013

Since switching from LESS to Sass I’ve been excited to learn how Sass makes responsive web design easier with @content blocks and @media mixins. During a recent project I was interested to know if these…

Replace Navigation Text with Icon Font

December 19, 2012

Looking to replace a navigation item with an icon font in WordPress? This little snippet placed in functions.php will do just that: add_filter( ‘wp_nav_menu’, ‘my_page_menu_link_names’ ); function my_page_menu_link_names( $menu ) { $menu = str_replace( ‘Your…

SVG & PNG Image Test

July 19, 2012

While I have yet to get my hands on either an iPad or Macbook Pro with a retina display, it’s clear that high resolution screens will be the standard in coming years. As such it’s…