The archives
Don’t you hate it when you create an anchor link and it gets covered up by a fixed header? And isn’t it a bummer when the browser jumps to that link instantaneously all abrupt-like? Well…
If you’re building a responsive site with a fixed header, you may have run into troubles with content below the header fitting correctly, depending on what screen size your viewing at here’s a quick rundown…
Since launching the latest version of Spigot last week there has been an intermittent issue with our @font-face fonts not rendering (We serve web fonts from our servers). I initially shrugged it off as it…
Here’s a great list of general CSS measurement unit guidelines from Dudley Storey.
Looking to add a background strikethrough effect, perhaps for headers like we do here on Spigot? Look no further. // Markup <h2 class=”strikethrough”><span>My Awesome Headline</span></h2> // CSS .strikethrough { font-size: 13px; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 45px;…
Here’s a quick tip on how to crop any sized image through CSS and an extra div. This technique comes in very handy when building websites for clients who don’t have Photoshop, or understand what…
In the name of speeding up your site you may hear that minifying your CSS is both awesome and easy. I’ll agree that it’s very easy, and in the name of speed I can concede…
The latest release of WordPress (3.1) comes with a new ‘Admin Bar’ – a small area at the top of your site that displays (for logged in users) quick links and easy access to some…
I’m a Huuuuge fan of the Webkit Open Source Project. It’s the engine behind Safari, Apple’s browser for both OS X and Windows. If you haven’t used it, give it a try. It’s my most…
CSS Frameworks have been around for a while now, and while there are many detractors, the benefits they provide make them an attractive option for speeding up development time, as well as simplifying complex layouts.…