WordPress Database Cleanup

November 9, 2021

Maintaining spigotdesign.com is a passion of mine. It’s my site after all. So when I realized that the database was massive, even after deleting all those sweet tweets, it was time to go extreme. I…

Quick and Easy Dark Mode with Sass

November 5, 2021

I haven’t spent a ton of time thinking about dark mode updates to websites. I haven’t used it much on any of my devices, until recently. And now that I am starting to use it…

Goodbye Sweet Tweets

October 26, 2021

I’ve been using Twitter since 2008, and for reasons I’ll explain, I’ve been pulling each and every one of those tweets into this site as an individual post (as a Custom Post Type of course).…

Gutenberg: Getting a little higher on the bandwagon?

July 16, 2020

I recently published an article on our dev process, which relies heavily on standard WordPress templates, a bit on Beaver Builder, and a smattering of Gutenberg. Then of course the very next week WordPress announces…

Embracing WordPress Page Builders

April 24, 2020

I’ve been building websites for quite a long time now. I wasn’t there at the very beginning, but I’ve witnessed many changes to the industry since 2004. My very first site used regular old HTML,…

When to Choose Squarespace Over WordPress

April 10, 2020

If our recent post detailing the reasons businesses should choose WordPress over Squarespace is any indication, we’re pretty biased towards the former. For most businesses, we firmly believe that WordPress is a more flexible, robust,…

Smooth Scroll Offset Anchor Links with CSS

April 8, 2020

Don’t you hate it when you create an anchor link and it gets covered up by a fixed header? And isn’t it a bummer when the browser jumps to that link instantaneously all abrupt-like? Well…