YUI Grids vs Blueprint (CSS Frameworks)

March 24, 2009

CSS Frameworks have been around for a while now, and while there are many detractors, the benefits they provide make them an attractive option for speeding up development time, as well as simplifying complex layouts.…

DIY vs Hiring an Expert

February 18, 2009

Ever since I got my first car I’ve been a do-it-yourselfer. The first time something went wrong that car I brought it in to a shop, and they charged me $350. Then I found out…

Font Explorer X Pro vs FontCase

February 12, 2009

Font management has thankfully been something I haven’t had to think much about in the last few years, ever since Linotype came out with Font Explorer X for both the Mac and PC. FEX was…

5 tips on promoting your website for free

February 8, 2009

There are a number of ways to promote your website that involve parting with hard earned dollars, but I’ll often tell clients that the best ways to market your site are actually free. Well, free…

Collaborating with the competition

February 6, 2009

Recently I met for coffee with two local web designers, Greg Schmidt of GS Web and Nate Flint from Flint Digital. We met for an hour and a half of shop talk, getting to know…

Park City Chamber luncheon with Rich Karlgaard

February 4, 2009

On Monday I attended the annual Economic Forecast luncheon put on by the Park City Chamber, where the publisher of Forbes, Rich Karlgaard was the keynote speaker. 

DRM Free iTunes

February 2, 2009

I’ve never been much of a fan of purchasing music off of iTunes because of, and only because of, the DRM issue. Thankfully the DRM dark ages are over, and I’ve just upgraded my entire…

What’s wrong with RSS

January 23, 2009

What’s right with RSS Maybe I should start out by mentioning what’s right about RSS. After all, for those who have adopted the technology, there really isn’t much wrong with it. It keeps us updated…

Rethinking Flickr and MobileMe

January 21, 2009

Cause I still haven’t found what I’m looking for It’s been an on-again off-again search for me, but Dan Benjamin’s article Is Flickr Still “The Place” For Online Photos? got me thinking about finding the…