The archives


Goodbye This is a Generic Brand Video

March 24, 2015

[youtube] Up until about a week ago the home page of Spigot contained the video above as a background to our main marquee window. I’d gotten permission from Dissolve to put it there when…

Elegant Gentleman’s Animated Paintings

November 6, 2013

[youtube=] This is a bit different than the illustrated videos I usually post, but it was simply too good not to share.

What’s your Style?

November 5, 2013

[youtube=] Even though I’m not a fan of the mustache, I can certainly support what stands for. And awesomely illustrated videos.

The US Debt Limit Explained

October 8, 2013

[youtube=] In honor of the Republican Shutdown of the US Government, I thought I’d post this video that explains how the US Congress has the power to hold the country hostage.

How to make beer

September 11, 2013

[vimeo 74262716] Another illustrated masterpiece. About beer.

Deja Vu

August 29, 2013

[youtube=] Another well illustrated video about an interesting subject manner. I’ll be patiently waiting for my next “already seen”. via @devour.

The Solar System

August 26, 2013

I love these well illustrated, informational videos. Especially when they’re about space. via @devour.

WordPress SEO, A Pre-Launch Checklist

November 18, 2011

[wpvideo 4ZB2FYEh w=620 h=360] I missed Mike Payne’s WordPress SEO, A Comprehensive Pre-Launch Checklist presentation at this years WordCamp Salt Lake City, but thankfully WordPressTV has posted this and a few other videos from the…

Paper Airplane: Cobra

August 17, 2011

[youtube] With a 4-year-old boy in the house we make a lot of paper airplanes. This is one of our favorites.