Goodbye This is a Generic Brand Video
Up until about a week ago the home page of Spigot contained the video above as a background to our main marquee window. I’d gotten permission from Dissolve to put it there when we pushed Spigot v 11.2 live in January of last year.
We’d originally thought of producing our own video, complete with horizontal panning, shots of intensive work sessions, keyboard typing, and quick cuts to Park City local. Then the Dissolve video was released and it seemed so very fitting to put up as a background on our site. Tongue-in-cheek and all.
That came to an end last week when Lori from Dissolve emailed to say we were conflicting with their end-use rules and licensing, and would we please remove it.
Of course I did so straight away. So goodbye This is a Generic Brand Video, you were nice adornment: