The archives

Quick Tips

How to Leave an Organization in Asana

November 15, 2016

We love Asana here at Spigot, if it wasn’t obvious enough. When we work with clients that also use Asana, it’s very easy to pair the two by joining their organization. Often times we’ll stay…

Search and replace multiple files in Sublime Text

October 24, 2013

Command – Shift – F This is mainly a link for personal reference. I can’t seem to remember it. Source:

Text only Google+ share link

September 11, 2013

I don’t really care for the standard social media share links. It’s not that they’re ugly per-se, it’s that they rarely fit a design well. That they’re ubiquitous and nobody even notices the design faux…

Increase upload file size on Media Temple (dv)

September 6, 2013

Are you having trouble increasing the maximum allowed file upload size on a site hosted on a Media Temple (dv) server? You’ve probably come across these instructions on Media Temple’s knowledgebase and are perhaps still…