It was a short run, but Off the Grid is now kaputz. It was meant to be a place to write about life and adventure – kept separate from the design and web related posts I normally write about here on the Spigot blog. But it’s simply too much to keep up with both, plus our kids blog.
But while we’re bringing down the curtains on OTG, it’s not necessarily good night. I thought for a while of starting a Tumblr site for these posts because I’d like to get to know the software. But all I’d be doing is extending the same issues to a new learning curve. So instead I’ll be be posting them here, on the Spigot blog. Where they were really meant to be in the first place.
To keep up with these posts, let Life (category) be your guide. Or if your RSS savvy, get the Life feed.
Good night, OTG, and good luck.