Are you having trouble increasing the maximum allowed file upload size on a site hosted on a Media Temple (dv) server?
You’ve probably come across these instructions on Media Temple’s knowledgebase and are perhaps still having issues. After a quick tweet support session with @mediatemplehelp here’s what solved this exact issue I was having:
You’re most likely running php in FastCGI
This portion is the crux. You’re most likely running the site in FastCGI mode*. If so you’ll need to edit php.ini at the subscription level rather than at the root level of the server:
@spigot If you have FastCGI enabled, you'll actually need to edit the "/etc/php.ini" file at the subscription level. *SZ
— (mt) Help (@mediatemplehelp) September 6, 2013
Where is the subscription level version of the php.ini file? I had the same question. It’s here:
Thanks again to @mediatemplehelp:
@spigot When connected as root, this would be at "/var/www/vhosts/" *SZ
— (mt) Help (@mediatemplehelp) September 6, 2013
Wait, edit the php.ini file?
Here’s a quick instruction set on how to get to this file:
- Enable root access
- Connect to your sever via SSH or,
- Connect to your server via SFTP (this is my method, using Transmit)
- Browse /var/www/vhosts/ and edit, either with vi (ssh) or a text editor of your choice (sftp).
And what to add once you find it:
memory_limit = 128M upload_max_filesize = 80M post_max_size = 85M
You’ll then need to restart Apache. The quickest way to do that is through SSH:
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
* If you’re running PHP as the default Apache Module, then this article won’t help. Give @mediatemplehelp a shout.
Hey there Bryan! Really good article, thanks for putting the word out about this! I just spoke with our KnowledgeBase team and we\’re going to get that same information into our KnowledgeBase article so there is less confusion.
Also wanted to put on your radar that you can also do this through Plesk by:
1) Go to the Subscription
2) Expand the menu underneath the domain name
3) Select \”PHP Settings\”
Here are some screenshots to help:
Again, thanks for the great article and if you ever need anything else we\’re available 24/7 on Twitter: @MediaTemplehelp
Drew J
Thanks for the followup info Drew. The Plesk method looks much easier for most people. I like to bang my head through SSH and SFTP once in a while though!
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Nice Post… Simply thanks…