The archives


OS X El Capitan: The Ars Technica Review

September 29, 2015

When ever a new version of OS X is released, Ars Technica puts out as thorough a review as anyone. This release is no different: OS X 10.11 El Capitan: The Ars Technica Review A…

Hide xScope floating toolbar

April 16, 2015

I’ve had this floating xScope toolbar on my desktop for a few weeks, getting in the way. I use the xScope from the OS X menu bar so it’s been pretty annoying having to move…

Admitted WOT Fanantic

March 31, 2015

I don’t play as many games as I used to, for all the same reasons you don’t anymore either. But World of Tanks has caught my son and I and it’s been a blast. We…

Prevent Mission Control from rearranging desktop spaces

November 11, 2014

By default, OS X rearranges desktop spaces based on usage. If you’re like me and want to keep apps and desktops in nice tight order, here’s how to prevent that: Launch System Preferences Open Mission…