Smooth Scroll Offset Anchor Links with CSS
Don’t you hate it when you create an anchor link and it gets covered up by a fixed header? And isn’t it a bummer…
10 Reasons Businesses Should Choose WordPress Over Squarespace
This post is to help persuade you to choose WordPress as the web platform to build your business on, but know that we’re very…
Getting Apple Maps to Open on a Website Link
Google Maps is pretty good. It’s been around for a long time and it gets you there most of the time. It’s widely used…
Turn Off Photoshop’s New Default Proportional Transform
Update: Photoshop 2020 now has a setting to use the ‘legacy’ transform behavior. Go to Preferences > General and tick the ‘Use Legacy Free…
How to Design, Build & Maintain a Successful Ecommerce Business
Between Spigot and Cinch (our WordPress Support company), we’ve built and support quite a few e-commerce websites. Some are more successful than others – and…
Solved: Typinator Not Working in MacOS Mojave
I’ve been using Typinator for years now to expand content with a few keystrokes. Filling out a form is easy when I can type…
Solved: Local by Flywheel Stuck on Provisioning (Installing WordPress)
I’ve had a long history of wrestling with local development environments. While I haven’t written much (none) about it, for the last year plus…
Bear Notes Mac Keyboard Shortcuts
Here’s a quick list of Mac keyboard shortcuts for Bear Notes App Editor Text Styles ⌥⌘1 , ⌥⌘2, … ⌥⌘6 – Headings ⌥⌘S –…
All My Instagrams Are MINE
There was a time in the early days of social media that I signed up for every service that came out. The username @spigot…
Didn’t Quite Make It But Still Committed
When I set out to write a blog post per day in the month of March I was fully committed. The goal was two-fold:…