UX Designer-Developer Position at Spigot

AI generated image of a woman at a keyboard, with color swatches on her desk

Spigot is a small but capable web design shop based in Park City, Utah. We pride ourselves on delivering effective, high-quality work on time and within budget. Spigot serves local, regional, and national businesses across a variety of industries, and we are dedicated to being a trusted partner for our clients. As a creative team…

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Replacement for Jetpack Tiled Galleries and Lightbox Carousel

AI generated image of an empty movie theater

Jetpack has long suffered from mild to moderate derision in the WordPress developer community due to its bloated nature and heavy-handed approach. I don’t generally ride that bandwagon, but that may be changing. SKIP TO THE RECIPE We’ve added Jetpack on most of the sites we’ve build over the last decade, mainly for two feautures:…

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Our Take on AI and the Web (As a Web Design Agency)

Robot foot in dystopian setting. AI-generated image.

“Is AI going to take my job?” is not a question I’m currently concerned with. How AI will change the way I work and how it affects the World Wide Web… now that’s more interesting. No, I don’t think AI will take over the jobs of web designers and developers any time soon. Just like…

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Why We Ask for Your Budget

Clients are sometimes reluctant to reveal their budget. But there are good reasons why we ask. As a full-service, custom web design agency, one of the first questions we ask a potential client is, “What’s your budget for the project?” It can sometimes catch people off guard or even make them uncomfortable – and I…

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Why We Don’t Chase Web Design Awards

Spigot has been designing and developing websites since 2007. In that time we’ve built hundreds of websites and have yet to win a design award. And I doubt we ever will. What are we doing wrong? Nothing. Many design agencies tout their ‘award winning design’, in fact, it seems like most do. And that’s fantastic.…

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How Wireframing Became an Integral Part of Our Web Design Process

During the earliest years, when our team was tiny — basically just me — our website design workflow was classically simple. The designer (me) laid out visually rich mockups, and the developer (also me) brought those mockups to life with pixel-perfect code (Ha!). This method worked well enough, especially given the complexity of the projects we…

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Why We Chose Utah

It’s been nearly 17 years since we moved to Park City. We love living in this town and adore being in Utah. We chose Park City for many reasons and anyone who lives here will probably nod along as I talk about why we chose Utah — and Park City — as our place to be…

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5 Reasons to Invest in a Website Redesign

Scene in a sushi restaurant, no people, just the

We recently posted an article on how often an organization should redesign its website. If it seems odd to think about redesigning a website based on a simple timeframe, I would agree with you. We have built sites that have lasted ten years or more and are still an effective marketing tool for those clients.…

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You’ve Just Launched a New Website… Now What?

You’ve just launched a brand new website and now you may be wondering, what’s next? Well let’s take a second and first say this: Congratulations! It was likely a lot more work than you expected and you deserve to take a moment, pat yourself on the back, and high-five the nearest hand… even if it’s…

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