Bond Design – Boutique interior design.

  • Content Strategy
  • UX Design
  • Web Design


Have you ever worked with someone whose work you are in total awe of, maybe felt a little intimidated by their talent? Well, that was the case with the Bond team. Their designs are simply stunning. Check out their work and you'll be nodding your head. We faced the welcome challenge of creating a site that matched the caliber of their work. Our goal was to craft a space where the natural flow and visual impact of their pieces took center stage. The design needed to elevate but not overwhelm, complement but not distract. It was a privilege to build a platform fit for such a gifted team. The result is a web presence as striking yet subtle as their work.


#262626 - Noir

#D6CDC1 - Oat

#FBFAF6 - Cashmere

Desktop view of Bond website.

Sometimes a business knows exactly what it wants. Bond Design is a team of exceptionally talented interior designers who have a crystal clear vision of their aesthetic. Spigot was there along for the ride to ensure their visionary ideal matched the math of the bean counters and business goals. The result was extraordinary and efficient. See how Spigot can match your vision to an in-the-black bottom line.

Bond mobile view footer
Bond Design mobile view of website with nav open
Bond Design mobile view of website - interior page with a portfolio gallery
Bond Design website view interior contact page

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